Thursday, May 15, 2008

15.05.08>come, it's question for the present

Then, two days later, she had suddenly leftat old lace. 'is
this the great monsieur poirot?' let the words o' the bible
alone you're going drew her yes, dear, i'll take you. Come.
it's question for the present. The ripping and tearing pearl
was not there. Then, with the help of some homais, as usual,
came at halfpast six during to counterfeit ram, wether,
or any mutton for hastings. Employ the little gray cells.
if your in triumph i my daughter fain would bear, with in
the dark of the low passageway appeared the little backs,
and caps on their round headswhile horrid suggestions rushing
over her in a flood. A man's. She is gruff and what you
call hearty. Waterproof double tent over the lot of them,

And people believe they know what 'random' is. The only kind of random humanity has yet succeeded at is spam email messages. I mean, they're generally about 'Enhancing Your Viagra' (which makes me wonder if we all secretly have a Viagra to enhance) or $17mil Swiss bank accounts that suddenly need transferring into our own. This, er, 'gem' was hidden in something about 'REAL MEN! GIRLS!'.

I'm not having a good day.

About Me

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I am a twenty-four year old student--that is, a third of my life spent studying books and theories. Along the way, I was (am?) a gamer, something (nothing) of a writer, and rarely (constantly) a lover. I want to live someone else's life each day--I can't read people well, so I might as well try becoming them instead.